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Eugeropteridae anatomical guide

Eugeropteridae are part of the total group Odonatoptera, and in the stem-group to Odonata. They diverged before Meganisoptera (the famous giant “dragonflies” such as Meganeura), and have the characteristic prothoracic wings, a character ancestral to all Pterygota (which are winged insects). Generalities As with all insects, the body plan is made of a head (with…

Today’s giants? (Life and death of giant Insects, part 2/2)

In the first part (that you can find here), we looked at extinct giant insects and assessed their size. It is time we adopt an objective point of view on these, and to do so, we’ll review modern insect sizes. What about modern insects? Now let’s look at the wingspan, length and weight of modern…

Yesterday’s giants? (Life and death of giant Insects, part 1/2)

Today, we have a surprise guest on the blog who wished to talk about the famous giant insects from Carboniferous, and blow your mind about all you think you know about them. There is so much to explore to truly grasp this subject that we have cut it into 2 parts. Enjoy! About the authorPhD…

Insectes géants : le vrai, le faux, le petit, le gros

Aujourd’hui, nous accueillons un invité surprise sur le blog, qui tenait à nous parler des fameux insectes géants du Carbonifère, et un peu à vous retourner le cerveau sur tout ce que vous pensez savoir sur ces derniers. Bonne lecture! Un mot sur l’auteurActuellement doctorant au Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle à Paris, je travaille sur…

Hydroxychloroquine and COVID-19: a scientific summary

For once, I’ll have to react to the news. In normal times, this blog is devoted to evolutionary biology, but fortunately, I have some skills to speak to you about another very, very, VERY pressing subject: hydroxychloroquine, and COVID-19. TL; DR: The author of this blog article disregards any data external to the field of…

Hydroxychloroquine et COVID-19 : un résumé scientifique

Une fois n’est pas coutume, je vais devoir réagir à l’actualité. Normalement, ce blog est consacré à de la biologie évolutive, mais bien heureusement, j’ai quelques compétences pour vous parler d’un autre sujet très, très, TRÈS pressant, à savoir :l’hydroxychloroquine, et le COVID-19. TL;DR : L’auteur de cet article de blog fait abstraction de toute…


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